Post by [Admin] Bhelic on Dec 20, 2014 11:09:38 GMT -4
The Real Rust
Server Properties:
- 1.5X Resources - AirDrop Frequency - Anticheat - Antiglitch - Anti No-Fall Damage - Anti Wall-loot - Anti WallHack Bullets - Death Messages - Advanced Ban System - IP Logger - Kits
/esshelp /location - Shows your location. You can use them in a rust map to find your friends. /ping - Shows your latency/ping. /online or /who - Shows members online. /players or /list - Shows members online, and a list of them. /fps - Lowers graphics quality to increase FPS. /pm "PLAYER" "MESSAGE" - To sent a private message to a player (" " are needed). /r "MESSAGE" - To reply a private message. /gcreate "NAME" - Creates a group. /gleave - Leaves the group. /gdelete - Deletes the group. /g - Group Information. /ginvite "PLAYER" - Invite a player to join the group. /gaccept - Accepts invitation to the group. /gtag "TAG" - Create a TAG for your group. /gpvp - Activates/ De-Activates PVP in group. /glist - List of online players in your group.
Server Wipes every 10 days, on each wipe, you will lose your Buildings, Items, and Blueprints learned.